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Functional Medicine

Applied Clinical Nutrition

Nutritional Services at Runnerstrum Chiropractic & NutritionDr. Runnerstrum has been an avid practitioner of clinical nutrition for almost two decades. She understands the role it plays in health optimization and human performance. This form of functional medicine aims to address the underlying causes of pain and chronic disease states. It’s a research-based style of health care based on the following principles:

  • Biochemical individuality – We each have a unique physiology. What makes one person sick and another one thrive is completely varied. It is this concept of individuality that’s put into place when addressing the distinctive nutritional needs of each patient.
  • Dynamic Balance – This is a comprehensive look at the effects of our internal and external environment, and how those factors directly or indirectly impact our health.
  • Physiological Interconnectedness – Research supports the view that the human body functions as a web-like network of interconnected systems. No system works without the cooperation and input of the systems that surround it. An example of this would be the tendency of dietary imbalances to cause hormone disruption in the body.
  • Vitality – Functional medicine views optimal health as positive vitality. The concept of health is not merely the absence of disease.

Our Unique Approach

Dr. Runnerstrum is experienced in applying the above principles to help her patients achieve vibrant health. She provides muscle testing (functional biofeedback) examination, combined with specific lab work to customize a plan of action for each patient. This approach takes advantage of the latest research in nutrition to initiate healing and stimulate disease prevention.

Our functional medicine approach is natural, and gently received by the body. Combined with stress reduction and the benefits of chiropractic care, we have the tools and expertise to make a difference. Contact us today for a free consultation!

Get Started

Functional Nutrition | Runnerstrum Chiropractic & Nutrition | (805) 481-9191